Moxie Personal

For centuries, ladies have been dealing with a monthly issue. Well, things haven’t changed much on that front, but you can now carry your bits and bobs in this darling container case!!! 


Buy them at The Drug Store ($5.99)
The word Moxie was made famous during the 1930-40’s. The term was often used in Hollywood feature films to describe strong women who displayed great style confidence and sassiness, as in ‘she had big brown eyes with a lot of Moxie in ’em…’

These new liners, ideal for everyday use and in between periods, come in a stylish purse-worthy tin compacts which are of course, 100% recyclable. And unlike other everyday liners on the market, Moxie Scanty Panty Liner compacts are resealable, keeping the liners in pristine, hygienic and ready to use condition.

Moxie Scanty Panty Liners are designed especially for girls who like to feel fresh and confident under their clothes and to ‘keep it clean’ every day of the month.

Moxie Scanty Panty Liners were designed to be convenient to use and carry, breathable, ever-so-slim and have a long and wide adhesive strip to keep them in place (so you won’t feel they are even there).


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