Diane Kruger in Inglorious Basterds (2009)


Often seen on the red carpet sporting vintage styles, finally we have Diane Kruger in full-out retro glamor, playing a German actress and spy, in Tarantino’s remake of Inglorious Basterds.

She looked a treat at the premiere too:

Pinup Superhero: Carla Gugino as Silk Spectre in Watchmen (2009)


I just rented Watchmen on DVD, and lord, it’s a great film – the opening credit sequence is amazing! But anyway, of particular interest to Swing Fashionistas, is Carla Gugino playing 1940s superheroine, the original Silk Spectre (aka Sally Jupiter). Check out those victory rolls! Here’s a few more shots from the film, and at the end an unrelated pinup shot of Carla Gugino in a similar Varga girl style. Va va voom!

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