1920s attire – pics of the week

I saw this beautiful ad from a 1926 fashion magazine on Etsy and was amazed by the variations and detailing of the gowns for sale. So, I looked through my Pinterest pages and pulled up some real ones 🙂


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Cosmetic and pefume ads from the 1920s and 30s

I am a graphic designer by profession and my love of 20s and 30s design has always influenced my own work. I  have admired and collected design examples from this time period since my college days studying design and art history and am always adding to my digital collection. Broders, Schmidt, Rodchenko, Schlutz-Neudamm, Loupot, Kiesler, Falcucci, Carboni, Bouchard, Cassandre, Kuhn and Ansieau – just to name a few – are some of my favourite designers of the day. Sometimes I forget about all the things I have stored away in files and am excited when I come across them again and just want to share. So, please enjoy these vintage lovelies from the 20s and 30s.


Williams, Aftershave Bridge Playing Cards Games Mens, USA (1920)   Women’s Art Deco Eau De Cologne, UK (1928)


Sunbrite Cleanser    Irresistible – Awaken Love... Be utterly Irresistible (1935)