Banana Republic’s Mad Men Collection

I just found out that Mad Men’s Emmy-winning costume designer Janie Bryant produced a capsule collection for Banana Republic. There’s almost 65 pieces in the collection, wowee. Here’s a quote from Banana Republic’s Creative Director, Simon Kneen:

Working with Janie to gain a true understanding of the Mad Men look and feel was a delight. Janie was instrumental in helping us achieve the series aesthetic and standard of authenticity with this capsule collection, offering sketches, her own inspirations and actual artifacts from the production set to help inspire the Mad Men within all of us.

Book: “Cary Grant: A Celebration of Style”

Cary Grant

A divine book about a divine style icon, not just for the photos of Cary Grant in all his splendor, but a wonderful read as well. What a way to express fashion and style:

I’m talking about style, not only in the sense of how he wore his Savile Row suits, but style as a revelation of character, as a way of facing the world, a means by which all of life’s riches are embraced and celebrated.

– Prologue pXII