Almanaque Bertrand, 1938 – Several ways to dance (according to each one’s profession)
Click image for 1911 x 1437 size.
From the Humorist: “How a doctor dances… a salesman… a dentist… a swimmer… a scello player… a phrenologist.”
Almanaque Bertrand, 1938 – Several ways to dance (according to each one’s profession)
Click image for 1911 x 1437 size.
From the Humorist: “How a doctor dances… a salesman… a dentist… a swimmer… a scello player… a phrenologist.”
From The Punch: In the time of the Minuete… of the Quadrille… of the Waltz… and of the Fox-trot.
Click image for 818 x 1124 size.
From The Punch: In the time of the Minuete… of the Quadrille… of the Waltz… and of the Fox-trot